Thursday, June 14, 2007

dark stairway.

These 2 shots were taken inside of Heindre Hall at Yale University. I tried really hard in these shots to keep things really even on all sides. The building is 6 floors with 20' high ceilings and no elevator, so this staircase is huge, the windows have a slight glaze on them so you can't see out but its just enough to light up the staircase. I tried to tie in the darkness of the staircase to the contrast in the always lit up windows to give a feel for the age of the building. The detail in the windows and the railings is something you rarely see anymore, the latice under the railings is all stone the whole way up the staircase that has more detailing not shown here. A lot of people that work in this building will be sad to see it go even though it can be difficult to get around sometimes because of its age and wear that is present everywhere.

I'm not sure that I set up my fotothing correct, so here's the url:
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1 comment:

Jerry said...

Excellent shots Bryon... thanks for the URL... I'll check it out.