Debbie, my wife came home from work today earlier than usual and asked me to join her at the Danbury Mall... So where do I head?... The Apple Store, of course. I'm working on a very cool G5 Mac Pro and a 30" wide screen monitor... all with the latest version of Photoshop CS3 loaded... good to go!
Here is an abstraction I just created (didn't bring my camera this time... so I just illustrated it in PS)... So by all means travel! That is the point of an online class!
PS... to see it larger, just click on the image....
PPS..... Remember to refresh your browser to see new new posts.....
Too Cool! I have GOT to learn how to use PS!!! I have it but I am so lost when I use it!
This is way cool! I love digital editing and wish to spend most of my time doing that once I finish school!!
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