Sunday, July 1, 2007


Hello everyone it's "Bridget Franklin." I hope things are well with everyone. I found this weeks assignment to be the most interesting seeing that I love flowers. Both of my photos are from my own gardens around my house.

This is a close up photo of a daisy. Isn't it wonderful. I had so many choices to make from the photo's I took and this by far is one of my favorites. During this time of year in particular, the flowers are in full blossom and in full color. I hope you enjoy the vibrant colors found in this photo.

Please remember to view my fotothing pictures. I had a hard time selecting the tow photo's for this weeks assignment. To me, all of them are great.

Don't forget to smell the Roses!!!! (smile)
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Jerry said...

That's what this class is all about... asking you to take time to smell the roses!

Jerry said...

You can use Picasa to edit this for more light and more color... You can make this explode with light.

Julie said...

Love the Daisy!!! nice work