I really enjoyed creating these masterpieces! Well, perhaps they're not masterpieces, but putting them together really made me appreciate all the work that goes into an artist's painting. With so many possibilities to choose from it was challenging. I liked creating a plan and tailoring and tweeking the individual components to fit the image in my mind. My two favorite works are the following:

I like this one whic I entitled Educate because to me it represents the continuous drive to learn and aquire knowledge. With knowledge anything is possible.

I entitled this one Finality and while I found some of my other ones more aesthetically pleasing, I liked what I was able to create in this one. It represented to me how all things come to an end (through the clock and the faiding images) but that there is so much to be gained within each experience. This can be seen by the images of the birds that I was able to create in the negative space between the fading vertical rusty cloudshapes.
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