Sunday, July 15, 2007

Week Seven (7) The Surrealist Aesthetic: Composited & Constructed realities.

Hello Everyone,

WOW, week seven has arrived!!

I want to thank all of you for sharing your photos with me; I had a BLAST learning all this stuff. I wish I could say my other classes were as fun. This class provided me with a jolt of creativity which I plan to continue to implement in my life.

The Surrealist Assignment's that have been submitted so far are fantastic - I will post my results within the next day or two.

Peace, and remember it is all about the light... :)



Julie said...

Susan, good luck to you too. While its all about the light it is also about getting closer!!! even closer!!!lol.

Jerry said...

Both comments really do sum up the gist of what I hoped everyone would learn... see light and get closer... Sounds like a good philosophy for just about everything including work and relationships!

Thanks for taking this class on so enthusiastically Sue!