Saturday, June 9, 2007

Yale University - New Haven

Wow, this just keeps getting better and better. This is Picture #1 and my second attempt at blogging this one. I blogged and saved this picture but I can't seem to locate it. I wasn't sure how to add a second picture. Oh well here goes another beauty. Can you believe it came from the same camera. Wow again!! (smile) I did this you guys. (smile) One of my favorite places in New Haven is the Yale University Campus. A lot of sweat went into building that campus, if you get my drift. I hope your enjoying this class as much as I am.

Until Next week.
Bridget Franklin
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Jerry said...

Do try to get in even closer.. How could you use the columns in a design of light and shape as you look up at them and they fill the frame?

Michelle said...

These pics came out very elegant. Putting them into black and white makes the Yale buildings feel even more historical